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What can blockchain do in the music industry?

The blockchain could make it easier for the layperson to license and collaborate with your music, such as when they use it in one of their YouTube videos. With the blockchain, you would be rewarded immediately, of course. The blockchain would provide more transparency for artists.

What are the benefits of blockchain in music?

“The number one benefit blockchain brings to the music industry is the potential to transform recordation of performance rights, the payment of royalties and direct music licensing from the artist to the consumer in an open, transparent and less expensive manner than the current system.

How 'the blockchain' could actually change the music industry?

One way that blockchain could redistribute power within the music industry is through the use of smart contracts. If recording contracts are recorded on the chain, lawyers and record label executives might find it harder to claim the lion’s share of profits, perhaps making room for the artists themselves to claim more than 12% of the revenue.

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